Teeny tiny tears doll

Teeny tiny tears doll

Price: $16.86
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product description: What was hidden there was something she could have never imagined. The area she found was filled with huge colorful crystals and rainbow-colored sands. It was like nothing she had ever seen before.If you're looking for a giant BJD doll, then you can't go wrong with the 77 cm Cerberus Project Abel. Sculpted by the talented artist Ruuen Rouga, this beautiful doll has fine features and an impressive size. His sculpted hair and removable faceplate bear a striking resemblance to a strong and brave nobleman.The 30cm BJD dolls are perfect for those who are looking to get into the world of doll collecting. From experienced collectors to new hobbyists, these dolls offer a chance to explore one's creativity and find something special.Are you looking for a special and unique gift for a loved one? If so, a 30 cm BJD (Ball Jointed Doll) may be just the thing. Not only are these dolls incredibly lifelike in their detailing, but they offer a level of customization that hard to find in any other type of doll. From the clothing they can wear to the parts they are composed of, these dolls can truly be made to fit the tastes of any recipient. Once upon a time there was a BJD doll named Daisy. Daisy was a one-of-a-kind doll and was about 1/6 the size of a real human. She had beautiful long yellow hair and big blue eyes, and she was the most stunning and exquisite doll anyone had ever seen.