Satyr bjd

Satyr bjd

Price: $26.89
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product description:
At first it seemed like an impossible task, but the team at BJD Doll Angel Studio worked day and night until they achieved the goal. It didn't take long before they had created a line of basketball-playing dolls. Once upon a time there was a young girl named Rose. She loved dolls, but none of them seemed to give her the same feeling of connection that she had with her own stuffed animals. That was until she found a beautiful ball jointed doll in the local toy store.Once upon a time, there was a small shop on a quiet street. It had all kinds of items for sale, but one item always stood out: a vampire BJD doll.The doll spent most of its days exploring the beautiful forest it lived in. Every day its adventures were different, from finding new wildflowers to watching the birds in the sky. It had no real purpose, but still enjoyed every moment of its life.