Reborn in silicone

Reborn in silicone

Price: $29.70
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product description: When shopping for BJD dolls, it's important to consider what type of doll you are looking for. There are two main types of BJD dolls: pre-made dolls and customized dolls. Pre-made dolls are those that come painted, dressed, and with accessories included. These dolls are perfect for those who want to get a beautiful doll without taking the time to customize it themselves. However, the customization options available with a customized BJD are endless; buyers can choose eyes, hair, outfit, and other features to create their perfect doll. 6) Iplehouse Dolls: Iplehouse dolls are known for their extreme detail in both the dolls themselves and the intricate accessories and clothing available for them.Once upon a time, there was a BJD doll with a passion for photography. She dreamed of one day creating her own Instagram account to share her love of all things doll related.Because 1/8 BJD Dolls are more expensive than other types of dolls, they are not typically recommended for young children. However, they can make excellent collectibles for those looking to start or add to a collection of unique dolls. With all the customization options available, the possibilities are truly endless when it comes to these dolls.