Racing miku espresto

Racing miku espresto

Price: $15.86
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product description: From then on, the little girl never forgot the magical game she shared with her doll. It taught her that anything is possible if you believe in it.The most popular 1/6 BJD dolls are those that mimic real life people. Many manufacturers create exact replicas of famous celebrities, historical figures, characters from books and films, and more. Other dolls come in unique shapes and forms, with an emphasis on anime-inspired looks. From angelic elves to fierce dragons, there's a type of BJD out there for everyone's taste.Creating the FaceYOSDs are popular among BJD collectors for their high-quality construction and attention to detail. YOSDs are made from resin and feature movable joints that allow for a wide range of poses. The dolls can be posed in just about any way imaginable, which makes them ideal for action shots.