Only doll bjd

Only doll bjd

Price: $15.80
Rated 4/5 based on 33 customer reviews
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product description: What Are BJDs? One day, the young girl made the bold decision to try and make her own doll. She scoured the internet for ideas and eventually came across an inexpensive BJD Doll kit. She was able to purchase the kit for a fraction of what it would cost for a pre-made doll.One day, out of curiosity, a little girl bought the doll and took it home. When she opened the box, she found something odd about the doll. In between the jointed limbs and body parts, there was fire. Surprised and a little scared, the little girl took the doll to her bedroom and placed it on her bed.Additionally, collectors should familiarize themselves with the different parts, supplies, and tools necessary for customizing BJD dolls. It's also important to know what materials and finishes are available so that collectors can get the most out of their dolls.