Missy kissy doll

Missy kissy doll

Price: $19.70
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Cara quickly developed a strong bond with her new doll and began taking it everywhere she went. She enjoyed dressing it up and styling its hair in different ways. Cara also enjoyed playing pretend scenarios with her doll and created an entire world between the two.For those just starting out in the collecting world, Ebay is a great resource for finding an appropriately sized BJD to fit one's individual preferences. Many sellers offer doll "base" dolls, which are undecorated blank canvases that can be customized with various faceup, makeup, and clothes options. These base dolls also allow more experienced collectors to construct entirely new and unique dolls, often weaving together pieces from multiple sellers.One day, Angel's dream came true when she received an invitation to attend an NBA game as a special guest. She was so excited that she even got to meet some of the players from her favorite team.Kana immediately named her doll Aki and the two spent all their time together. Kana adored Aki and found solace in her company. She felt that her doll truly understood her, something which none of her human peers could do.