Mipha pvc

Mipha pvc

Price: $23.78
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product description: Overall, ball jointed dolls can be a fun and rewarding hobby for anyone who is interested in collecting unique dolls. They offer endless possibilities for customization, making them truly unique pieces of art.Finally, it time to assemble the doll. Assemble the doll parts according to the pattern instructions. After the doll is assembled, you can add any details and decorations that you chose. You may want to use paint, beads, sequins, or ribbon to decorate your doll.Tom was so taken by the beautiful doll that he quickly purchased it and brought it home. He kept his new friend close to him and loved it dearly, taking great care of it as if it were his best friend.The BJD Doll spoke to Evelyn and encouraged her to decipher its secrets. The only clues were a series of strange symbols engraved around the ring band.