Maria lynn dolls ebay

Maria lynn dolls ebay

Price: $19.85
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product description: Furry BJD (ball jointed dolls) are becoming increasingly popular among hobbyists, collectors and cosplayers all over the world. These lifelike, customisable dolls feature elements from various animal species; from cats and dogs, to foxes, wolves and rabbits. Many owners of these adorable little creatures think of them as more than just dolls; they are treated like family, with the same love and devotion that one would extend to a pet or sibling.The doll had been crafted by a mysterious figure”one who few knew the identity ofnd given to a young girl named Elizabeth. With the Universe Doll in her hands, Elizabeth felt as if she could reach out and touch the stars. She stayed up late at night, staring in wonder at the intricate details of the doll face, and imagining the stories that she could create.Fairyland BJD dolls first appeared in the 1990s, and their popularity has only grown since then due to the high level of detail seen in the designs of each one. Each doll is individually handcrafted and painted, with parts ranging from delicate faces to ornate costumes and accessories. They also come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with some standing as tall as 15 inches or, in some cases, even larger.Although it wasn't conventional for a small bunny BJD doll to play football, Bunny enjoyed it immensely and it never seemed to tire her out. She continued to play football with her friends for many years and it always brought a smile to her face.