Glo pixies

Glo pixies

Price: $28.94
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product description: He was inspired by this new addition to his team and he started practising with it every day. After a few months, he saw incredible results and could even do some of the trick shots he had seen NBA players do on TV.Finally, due to the smaller size of 1/6 BJD dolls, they are much easier to transport and store than larger dolls. This makes them particularly popular with collectors who wish to create entire scenes or dioramas with their collections. BJD Dolls come in a variety of sizes, styles, and materials. These dolls can be found in many different styles such as shoujo, fantasy, and traditional Japanese-style dolls. Each doll is custom-designed and painted for a truly unique look. Many collectors even customize their dolls further by adding clothing and accessories to create their own signature designs.In addition to the variety of dolls, there is an equally vibrant community of fans and collectors who support the hobby. From online forums to events organized by clubs and hobbyists, the BJDs are a topic of discussion for doll enthusiasts. Many of these collectors have their own customized dolls, often spending hours making their dolls more lifelike with wigs, hand-painted eyes, and customized outfits.