Df a bjd

Df a bjd

Price: $19.98
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product description: The construction of the DBS BJD is one of its major selling points, as it is made from durable materials and can be highly articulated. It is composed of a resin head and body with ball joints at all the joints, allowing for maximum flexibility and customization. The faceplates of the head feature unique sculpted details, which, combined with the range of available expressions, make it easy to create a distinct look for each doll.The store quickly grew in popularity, attracting customers from all over the country. With its increasing success, the store owner was able to expand the range of products that they sold, adding new NBA merchandise such as mugs, t-shirts, and other memorabilia.Step 3: Gently Separating Body Parts BJD OOAK Dolls are one of the most sought after and collectible dolls around. These unique dolls are handmade and customized to your exact specifications, making them a truly unique and special piece of art. They have become cherished additions to any collector's home, and often bring a lot of joy to those who own them.