Bts bjd

Bts bjd

Price: $21.73
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product description:
One day, the two dolls decided to set out on a grand adventure. They skipped along through meadows and forests, discovering new sights at every turn. On their journey, they stumbled across wonderful creatures, such as talking bears and singing birds.BJD Dolls, or Ball-Jointed Dolls, have become hugely popular in Japan over the past few decades. These dolls are made from high-quality materials and feature highly articulated bodies that allow for a wide range of poses and expressions. BJD Dolls can range from small and simple to massively complex and intricate in their design, and many collectors spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars acquiring them.The next morning Grell woke up to find Stanley standing in front of her. He was real! He explained that Grell's love for him was so powerful that it had broken the spell of his BJD form, and he thanked her for being so devoted and giving him the chance to experience true love.One day, a miracle happened. A friendly giant spotted the BJD doll, and decided to take him on as his protégé. With the giant help, the BJD doll quickly grew to the size of a normal human. He then started playing basketball seriously and eventually made his way into the NBA.