Bjd sd17

Bjd sd17

Price: $19.91
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product description: Tomie eventually learned to be more confident and brave. She didn't feel so afraid of new things anymore, and knew she could always rely on her BJD doll for support. Tomie and Nana lived happily ever after, and their friendship lasted forever.The artist carefully followed instructions on how to mix the epoxy resin with a catalyst, poured it into the molds, and set them aside to cure for several hours. Once her pieces were fully cured, she used a heat gun to carefully remove the newly formed pieces from the molds. She then sanded them down with fine-grit sandpaper and polished them with rubbing alcohol. One day, when Jack was out on vacation, disaster struck. A fire had started in his home and soon it engulfed his entire living room; including his beloved BJD doll collection. In despair, Jack made his way back to his house as fast as he could and frantically tried to salvage anything he could. One day, however, a brave young knight decided to investigate the BJD Zombies and find out what really made them tick. He approached them cautiously, and as he studied their odd behavior, he felt a strange kinship. Slowly, he began to understand the sadness that lurked beneath their shiny plastic masks.