Soil & Environment
Formerly Pakistan Journal of Soil Science
Online ISSN: 2075-1141
Print ISSN: 2074-9546
Soil Science Society of PakistanSoil Science Society of Pakistan
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Institute of Soil & Environmental Sciences
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PJSS Issue: 16(1-2), 1999
Michaelis constants of urease in alluvial alkaline soils under different cropping systems
A. Hamid, M. Yaqub and M. Ahmad
Yield and quality of mustard (Brassica juncea I.) as affected by irrigation pattern
Abdul Majid and G.M. Simpson
Nutrients loss through sediments and runoff under upland banana-pineapple intercropping system
Almas M. and T. Jamal
Use of least significant difference (LSD) test and orthogonal contrasts for interpretation of field trials
Aman Ullah Bhatti' and Rab Nawaz Baloch
Amelioration of patchy (SPARSE) salinity/sodicity in irrigated plains of Pakistan (A case study)
Ghulam Saeed Khan, Muhammad Ikram and A. Hadi Ansari
Evaluation of mungbean (Vigna radlata L) mutants for natural nodulation and biological nitrogen fixation using 15N isotope dilution technique
Hiader Khan, Muhammad Idris and M.Mohsin lqbal
Water transmission properties as affected by cropping and tillage systems
M. Mahmood-ul-Hassan and P.J.Gregory
Differential performance of four wheat varieties at different levels of root medium salinity
Manzoor Ahmad
Agronomic traits and productivity of sweet corn affected by nitrogen and intercropping
Maqboot Akhtar' and James A. Silva
The interactions among phosphate-solubilizing bacteria, vam fungus and associative n2-f1xing bacteria and their effects on growth and N and Puptake
Muhammad Sharif


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